Laval 450 669-6737
Quebec 418 622-7271
Saint-Hubert 450 656-2323
Chute de cheveux en automne

Why do we lose more hair in fall?

Fall is often a stressful time for many people due to increased hair loss. Groupe Médical PAI aims to elucidate the causes of this fall hair loss, determining whether a consultation with a specialist from this group is necessary.

Do we really lose more hair in fall?

The answer is yes. The hair growth cycle follows a seasonal pattern, with shedding phases (telogen) in fall and growth phases (anagen) in summer and winter.
Perte de cheveux à l'automne

Other factors contributing to hair loss in fall :

In addition to the natural cycle, other factors can exacerbate hair loss in fall. Returning to the routine after holidays, work-related stress, sun exposure, chlorinated pool water, and summer excesses can all contribute to this shedding.

Back to business as usual after the vacations,


Work-related stress,


Exposure to sunlight,


Chlorinated swimming pool water,


Summer excesses.

Do temperature variations play a role?

Winter temperatures aren’t directly responsible for hair loss, but abrupt temperature changes between heated indoor spaces and the cold outdoors can affect hair health. Hair becomes more vulnerable to dehydration and dryness indoors due to inadequate heating systems. Using moisturizing products and protecting hair from the cold is essential to maintain its health.

Should you be concerned about hair loss in fall?

Although hair loss in fall is generally normal, it’s essential to monitor if you’re losing more than 100 hairs per day. If this is the case, Groupe Médical PAI encourages you to schedule an appointment at the nearest clinic. Their professionals will guide you towards an appropriate solution, regardless of the causes of your hair loss.



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