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Perte de cheveux en été : des facteurs externe

Your hair might be on vacation, but don’t let it take a break!

Summer vacation has finally arrived, and before hair loss concerns overshadow the season, let’s take a moment to understand the natural hair cycle, the various factors that affect hair health, and discover some tips for care. All of this will help you determine if a consultation with a specialist at Groupe Médical PAI is necessary. 

Hair Loss in Summer : External Factors

Summer is a time when various external elements, such as the sun, seawater, increased sweat, alcohol consumption, and the stress of returning to work, impact the health of your hair. If you notice that your hair shows signs of distress every year after summer, here’s some useful information :

The Sun

While natural hair lightening under UV rays can be appreciated, it's important to note that the sun destroys the natural pigments of your hair. Additionally, keratin, a vital protein for hair strength, is vulnerable to UV rays. To protect your hair, use a sunscreen specially designed for hair.

La mer ou l'eau salée

The Sea (or Pool Water)

Seawater or pool water is rich in iodine, which can dry out your hair. Even if you love the look of "beach waves," it's recommended to rinse your hair with fresh water after a swim in the sea, especially if you're concerned about hair loss.

Les régimes


Some people, whether women or men, follow strict diets before vacations to look good in their swimwear. However, a lack of vitamins due to inadequate nutrition can lead to hair loss. Avoid so-called "miracle" diets and opt for a healthy and balanced diet throughout the year.

Understanding Your Hair

Comprendre vos cheveux

Apart from these external factors, there is a natural phenomenon: each hair follows its own cycle, generally independent of others. However, in July, hair synchronizes its growth cycle, resulting in a greater hair loss in autumn. 

You may wonder if your hair will be more present on your pillowcase at the end of summer. The answer is yes! The cause of this increased hair loss lies in post-vacation stress, summer external factors, and a natural phenomenon.

Therefore, summer is the season when it’s essential to take care of your hair to protect it from damage or increased loss when autumn arrives.

When to Worry?

The hair cycle means that normal daily hair loss is usually 50 to 100 strands. However, it’s recommended to consult a professional as soon as hair loss becomes more significant. 

The team of experts at Groupe Médical PAI will be able to advise and guide you toward the most suitable solution for your hair loss.



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